Our Team

Maciej Prostak

Founder and President of DCG Ltd, experienced financial advisor and private banker, shortly before creating MoneyZoom.com, Money24.pl & MoneyZoom.pl private wealth manager within Citi Group. Graduate of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) mp(at)directcapitalgroup.pl

Andrzej Chmiel

VP, experienced marketer, with 13 years tenure within Pepsi Cola in Central Europe, before joining DCG Ltd. Marketing Director in Poland for 5 years, prior business development manager and new age drinks manager for Central Europe. ac(at)directcapitalgroup.pl

Moneyzoom.com' friends:


Artur Kurasiński

Revolver Interactive



Maciej Obuchowicz

BrainShop U-Boot



Krzysztof Radoszewski